Scheringstraße 1, 13353 Berlin | Property to rent | Savills
144 to 1,357 m²(Available)
Price per Sq metres€276(2.059 kr.)
per year + free of commission

Scheringstraße 113353 Berlin

  • Free of commission

Key features

  • Total floor area: 9,116.00 sqm
  • Building year: 2018
  • Available:
  • Number of parking spaces: 3
  • Rent per parking space: 120.00 € monthly
  • Spacing: 0.00 - 1.35 m
  • Spatial depth: 0.00 m
  • Clear ceiling height: 0.00 - 4.00 m
  • Floor load: 0.00 kg/sqm
  • Available archive space: 0.00 sqm

loft spaces near the city

About this property

Energy performance

An energy performance certificate according to EnEV exists.
Date of issue: 01.11.2018
Date of Expiry: 31.10.2028
Year of construction: 2018
Type of energy performance certificate: Requirement certificate
Significant energy sources: Heating plant, fossil*