Attractive and Prominent Commercial Units Available in Very Sought After Location
The site is devoid of built form. However, it was formerly occupied by an extensive number of buildings associated with the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (‘DERA’), which was a part of the Ministry of Defence (‘MoD’).
The site has recently secured an outline consent for a comprehensive mixed use development which has focused on exceptional architecture, regeneration, sustainability and quality.
The proposed development will provide five separate character areas which will provide a variety of uses. The buildings would be dispersed across the site and served by various parking areas.
The proposed care home will be located in the centre of the site, nearest to the cliff edge. The proposed building would have a gross internal area of 2,215 sqm and would provide up to 60 bedrooms over three floors.
The proposed employment block would be located at the southernmost part of the site. It would have a total gross internal area of 1,186 sqm over four floors.
Internally, the proposed employment building would provide a total of 5 commercial units suitable for a range of occupiers and local businesses.
In terms of parking provision, the employment building would be provided with 24 car spaces and ample cycle parking for staff and visitors. In addition, a turning head is provided to ensure commercial vehicles can service the units in a safe manner.
The gym and restaurant will sit beneath the residential and provide 340 sq m and 328 sq m of space respectively.
CGI’s, plans and information surrounding the scheme are available upon request and subject to status.
Outline planning permission has been granted under
P/OUT/2022/00852. The consent granted permits a mixed use development comprising up to 141 dwellings (Use Class C3) and 60 bed care home (Use Class C2), with up to 340 sqm associated leisure floorspace comprising gym, swimming pool / spa (Sui Generis); up to 1,186 sqm office /light industrial floorspace (Use Class E(g)); up to 328 sqm restaurant floorspace (Class E(b)); with associated car parking, public open space, public realm, cliff stabilisation & sea defence works, with vehicular and pedestrian access from Newton’s Road & associated infrastructure - some matters reserved (appearance & landscaping).
Rateable Value
The individual commercial unit’s Rateable Value will be assessed upon completion of the development.
The units will be available either by way of a new full repairing (service charge) and insuring lease, term to be agreed or as a freehold serviced parcel.
Guide Price / Rental Guide
Offers invited.
The EPC’s will be provided on completion of the works.
For a formal viewing, strictly by appointment with Savills.