Two bedroom houses for sale in St. Leonards, East Sussex | Savills

We couldn't find any results in your search area but there are 2 results nearby

  • Bird in Hand Street

    Groombridge, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN3 9QJ

    797 sq ft(74.04 sq m)
    Guide price £375,000
    • Two bedrooms and loft room/study & bathroomTwo bedrooms and loft room/study & bathroom
    • Kitchen & sitting roomKitchen & sitting room
    • Beautifully established, sizeable area of private gardenBeautifully established, sizeable area of private garden
    • GarageGarage
    Becky Card

    Tunbridge Wells

    +44 (0) 1892 507 000+44 (0) 1892 507 000

    Natasha Selbie

    Tunbridge Wells

    +44 (0) 1892 507 015+44 (0) 1892 507 015

  • High Street

    Cowden, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 7JQ

    777 sq ft(72.19 sq m)
    Guide price £365,000
    • An attractive, two bedroom, unlisted character cottageAn attractive, two bedroom, unlisted character cottage
    • Found in the very heart of Cowden, a charming village in Kent surrounded by the High Weald National LandscapeFound in the very heart of Cowden, a charming village in Kent surrounded by the High Weald National Landscape
    • Tunbridge Wells and East Grinstead are approximately 9.5 miles and 7.3 miles respectivelyTunbridge Wells and East Grinstead are approximately 9.5 miles and 7.3 miles respectively
    • Traditional shaker-style kitchen and separate dining roomTraditional shaker-style kitchen and separate dining room
    Mike Churchill

    Tunbridge Wells

    +44 (0) 1892 507 000+44 (0) 1892 507 000