Four parcels of amenity land in an accessible location
Lot 4
Four parcels of amenity land located at Claypole, suitable for a variety of uses. All parcels benefit from individual access points with good access from the public road. The land is located in a secluded and rural area offering a great degree of privacy for those wanting to enjoy the countryside The land is for sale in four lots by private treaty.
The property as a whole extends in total to approximately 27.79 acres but is split into four parcels, the land is classified as grade 3 on the agricultural land classification maps. The Soil Survey of England and Wales identifies the soil as being are part of Evesham 1 series. Historically the land has been farmed with arable crops. The land lies flat and is bordered by mature hedgerows and the four parcels are divided by new fencing. The land would suit a variety of uses ranging from equestrian to amenity use, with wildflower mixes being drilled over the spring in lots 1 and 4. Native hedges have been planted between some of the individual parcels enhancing the area for wildlife and fauna. Lot 1 benefits from two access points off Oster Fen lane with lot 2 and 3 having their own separate access points from Oster Fen lane. Lot 4 has a separate access directly from Barnby Lane.
ALTERNATIVE INCOME STREAM OPPORTUNITIES There are a number of potential alternative income opportunities that purchasers can look to explore.
BIODIVERSITY NET GAIN A Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) survey was undertaken across the whole site in February 2024 with the site capable of generating 22.96 hedgerow units and 19.89 habitat units. A copy of this survey can be provided by the selling agents.
SUSTAINABLE FARMING INCENTIVE A SFI agreement is in place generating an annual income in excess of £6000. For example Lots 1 and 4 are designated as flower rich grassland and attract a payment of £798/ha/ yr. On the sale of the land the current SFI agreement will have to be ended but a new agreement on similar or better terms can be applied for. A copy of the current agreement is available on request.