A ring-fenced block extending to approximately 123.06 acres of productive arable land with amenity grassland.
Vale Farm
Located south east of Rawhall Farm and close to the village of Gressenhall is Vale Farm, the arable land at Vale Farm extends to approximately 116.97 acres (47.343 hectares). The land is well serviced by a range of internal tracks and public roads. There is a mineral agreement in place with part of the land at Vale Farm, further details of which can be found in the data room. The land at Vale Farm has been farmed in a rotation of wheat, barley, oilseed rape and rye. Part of the land at Vale farm is farmed on a cropping licence for soft fruit. The total annual income for this agreement is £7,570. At Vale Farm there is a further 4.36 acres (1.765 hectares) of pasture offering additional pony paddock grazing along with further opportunities.