Vacant land to the north-west of Buntingford surrounded by hedgerows and trees separated into two parcels north-south by Neale Drive.
The Property comprises an area of vacant land surrounded by hedgerows and trees separated into two parcels north-south by Neale Drive. The northernmost parcel extends to approximately 1.16 hectares (2.87 acres) and the southernmost parcel extends to 1.13 hectares (2.79 acres). The land to the east of the Property is defined by the Redrow Homes scheme comprising 180 residential units. The A10 runs along the western boundary of the Property with agricultural land to the north. The buildings associated with Freeman College are situated to the south. The land directly to the south of the Property is owned by Hertfordshire County Council and is retained for potential education and/or sports and recreation in association with Freeman College. The Property is located within Buntingford Settlement Boundary. It is not located within a Conservation Area and there are no listed properties within close proximity. The Property is located in Flood Zone 1 and does not form part of any non-statutory wildlife designated sites. There are no Tree Preservation Orders affecting the Property.