Automotive properties to rent in London Waterfront, England | Savills

We couldn't find any results in your search area but there are 1 results nearby

  • 49 Paices Hill, Aldermaston, Reading, RG7 4PG

    7,232 to 24,388 sq ft(671.87 to 2,265.72 sq m)
    Rent on application
    • Car dealership premisesCar dealership premises
    • 24,388 sq ft (2,265.78 sq m) on 3.9 acres (1.7 hectares)24,388 sq ft (2,265.78 sq m) on 3.9 acres (1.7 hectares)
    • Prominent roadside location fronting Paices Hill (A340)Prominent roadside location fronting Paices Hill (A340)
    • Strategic location, 10 miles south of M4 motorway and 10 miles north of M3 motorwayStrategic location, 10 miles south of M4 motorway and 10 miles north of M3 motorway
    Kristina Simpson


    Bobby Barfoot
