Industrial properties to rent in Leek, Staffordshire | Savills

We couldn't find any results in your search area but there are 1 results nearby

  • Land adjacent to J15 of M6

    Trentham Road / Newcastle Road, Newcastle-under-Lyme, ST5 4DG

    6.30 Ac(2.55 Ha)
    Rent on application
    • Open storage site suitable for a range of usesOpen storage site suitable for a range of uses
    • Adjacent to J15 of M6Adjacent to J15 of M6
    • Asphalt surfacedAsphalt surfaced
    • Securely fenced and gatedSecurely fenced and gated
    Chris Hobday

    Birmingham (Industrial)

    0121 200 45000121 200 4500

    Ranjit Gill

    Birmingham (Industrial)

    0121 634 84020121 634 8402