Lot 4 - Halberton Court Farm. Arable land. In all about 160.60 acres
Lot 4 - Halberton Court Farm
An outstanding block of prime red' land comprising predominantly high quality, grade 1 free draining arable land on loamy soils. Other than one field on the northern side of the block which is in permanent grassland, the remainder of the land has been farmed on a rotational basis. The main crops over the past five years have been a combination of wheat, barley, maize, oilseed rape, potatoes and field vegetables.
The land benefits from a new potato store of steel portal frame construction (30m x 15m). Additionally there is planning consent for a livestock building and a machinery store each measuring 30m x 15m. Full planning details can be found by following this link to Mid Devon District Council:- https://planning.middevon.gov.uk/online-applications/ & using planning reference numbers; 17/01788/FULL Livestock Building 17/01787/FULL Machinery Store 17/01786/FULL Potato Store
There is good access to the land from the main road on the southern boundary and there is also access via a ROW over the track running from the lane north of the village. The land benefits from good internal hardcore tracks and a bridge across the canal provides access to the northern section. The new farmyard offers potential for the construction
of a farmhouse (STP).