32-36b, Westgate, Mansfield, NG18 1RS | Property for sale | Savills
59,519 sq ft(5,529.49 sq m)
Offers in the region of £2,600,000

32-36bWestgate, Mansfield, NG18 1RS

  • Freehold

Key features

  • Excellent town centre position directly opposite the Four Seasons shopping centre
  • Planning application (2024/0393/COU) submitted for the change of use to self storage
  • 59,519 sq ft (5,529.50 sqm) GIA
  • Loading bay to the rear, accessed off Clumber Street


About this property

  • Description
    The property comprises the former BHS and Clarks unit, arranged over four floors and is congirued to provide open plan accommodation, which has been stripped back to shell condition and offers a redevelopment opportunity for self storage with a rear loading bay accessed off Clumber Street.
    The property currently has a planning application submitted for the change of use of existing retail unit (Class E) to form a mixed use development retaining the retail use at ground floor to form 2 no. retail units, office space to the first floor, light industrial to the second floor (Class E) and storage units on the first and third floors (Class B8).
    Reference: 2024/0393/COU
    We are advised that the planning will be decided by December 2024.

Local information

  • Mansfield is a popular market town located in west Nottinghamshire, approximately 15 miles north of Nottingham, 30 miles southeast of Sheffield and 39 miles west of Lincoln.
  • The property occupies a prominent position fronting onto Westgate, the main retail thoroughfare, directly opposite the eastern entrance/exit of the Four Seasons shopping centre.

Energy performance

F (142)

Available space

Namesq ftsq mAvailability