To Let: Cotswold pub with generous outside areas & living accommodation in roadside location near Clarkson's Farmer's Dog Pub
A detached property of brick construction being of two floors above ground level with rendered and painted elevations under a pitched slate roof. Located to each side are single storey pitched roof extensions and to the rear is a single storey pitched slate roof lean-to extension.
The left side plot benefits from a dual entrance from the Burford Road leading to tarmac car-park; the ride side plot has a stone driveway and parking area leading to the undeveloped paddock.
Site Areas
The property is located across two titles: ON257135 (Freehold) 1.069 acres & ON222847 (Freehold) 1.023 acres , total 2.092 acres.
Our client will consider granting a new lease subject to terms to be agreed.
Planning and Conservation
The property is not listed nor located in a conservation area, flood zone or Green Belt. The property is located in the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development)(England) Order 2015 (as amended) the property should be under the category Sui Generis (public house) with ancillary living accommodation.
Shepherd's Huts Planning Permission
Date 11 October 2022. The property benefits from the grant of full Planning Permission as follows:
22/01434/FUL | The siting of 8 no. shepherds huts together with hard and soft landscaping to include provision of a pond, access track, external lighting and associated services. Please visit West Oxfordshire District Council Planning Register @
Public House Trading & Ancillary Areas
A three-section trading area with multiple external points of egress and ingress.
To the front is a slightly raised section (22 seats) leading to 3 x sets of customer WCs (including accessible). Features include flagstone floor and feature fireplace. The central bar-servery section is split (16 seats) with flagstone floor and fireplace.
Located to the rear is a larger dining area (46) with French doors leading to the patio garden.
Ancillary space includes a trade kitchen with walk-in-fridge, dry store and staff WC. A ground floor cold room is located to the other side.
Living Accommodation
Self-contained 3 x bedroom living accommodation with bathroom, reception, kitchen and office. with a separate side external entrance.
External Areas
The patio to the rear is under a pergola (86 seats) with ample space for bench seating in the large garden and paddock, all overlooking the valley.
To the rear is an open pizza kitchen and to the side is a raised planter kitchen garden.
Services & Fixtures and Fittings
We understand that all mains services are connected.
The majority of trade fixtures and fittings have been removed.
Leasehold: Rental Offers Invited at £70,000pax for new Free of Tie lease with terms to be agreed.
The business has ceased trading and the property is closed.
Rates & TAX
The 2023 Rateable Value is £20,500. The small business rates multiplier is 49.9p/£. The property may benefit from 75% retail, hospitality and leisure relief (see Gov.UK for information at the time).
Premises Licence
Supply by retail of alcohol every day 10:00 - 23:30. Premises opening hours 10:00 - 00:00.
The Business & Viewing
The property is closed. If possible, please visit the property externally before requesting a formal viewing.
Viewings can be organised strictly by appointment via the sole agents, Savills (Licensed Leisure based in Southampton).
C (61)
Name | sq ft | sq m | Availability |
Ground - Trade Areas & Ancillary | 3,132 | 290.97 | Available |
1st - Living Accommodation | 1,206 | 112.04 | Available |