4 Meadowbank Way, Eastwood, NG16 3SB
295.52 sq m
Offers in the region of £380,000
Modern detached office building extending to approximately 3,181 sq ft (NIA)…Modern detached office building extending to approximately 3,181 sq ft (NIA)…
Fully let to HSP Consulting Engineering for a term of 10 years, expiring 06 September 2025 at a passing rent of £30,000 per annum…Fully let to HSP Consulting Engineering for a term of 10 years, expiring 06 September 2025 at a passing rent of £30,000 per annum…
15 dedicated car parking spaces…15 dedicated car parking spaces…
Excellent business park location adjacent with the A610…Excellent business park location adjacent with the A610…